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Urdu translation from Modern English to Urdu dictionary online for the word tear:Hear the English word audio
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Close Match and Related Words
tear : chiirna ; dhajjiyaañ uRaana ; khasoTna ; maskaana ; phaaRna
tear : masakna ; phaTna
tear : aañsu ; khoñch
tear ; tears : آنسو
tear off menu : قابل حرکت مینیو
tear آنسو/کھونچ
tear مسکنا/پھٹنا
tear چیرنا/دھجیاں اڑانا/کھسوٹنا/مسکانا/پھاڑنا
teardrop : آنسو
tearful : aab diidah ; alam naak ; aSHk aaluudah ; aSHk baar ; Dab Dabaata ; pur nam ; nam naak
break ; burst ; explode ; rip ; spring ; tear : پٹھٹٹنا
decay ; wear and tear : فرسودگی
destruction ; disruption ; wear and tear : توڑ پھوڑٹٹ
disgrace ; tear : دھجیا ںٹٹ اڑانا
rend ; tear : مسکانا

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